Personal information about myself: My name is Michael Murray-Turner but you can call me by my professional names; VimpulseProduction or MurelKoval. I have a wife, daughter and another baby on the way.

My Religion

I was raised in a Christian home and went to the same church and was confirmed like everyone else. In contrast, I have done a lot of soul-searching over the years since I never really felt at home in the Christian religion. So I did some soul-searching and came up with the answer: paganism, or more specifically Christo-Paganism, which is a blend of the two. After giving it some thought, I came to this conclusion.

Professional accomplishment

An inside look at the production of my short film, titled The Silent Voice. The making of the short film challenged my ingenuity and my ability to work with a diverse group of people, some of whom I had never met before.

Personal accomplishment

Completing high school and starting college at a local institution. I am a proud recipient of two degrees from the aforementioned local college (working on a third).

Description from a friend's point of view